Welcome to ICA & ICDL WissKI!
This digital database serves as a platform to connect research data from the Islamic Cultural Archive (ICA) project and the Gender and Diversity Office (GDO) of the Cluster of Excellence Africa Multiple.
The Islamic Cultural Archive (ICA) project builds and enables relationality in the field of Islamic studies through a taxonomy designed by the research members. This allows describing and creating connections between different types of data: text, audio, video, web content, image and map.
The ICDL Bibliographical Database is a research tool provided by the Gender and Diversity Office (GDO). The available resources were selected to enhance research on Intersectionality, Decolonial and Critical Diversity Literacy.
The ICA/ICDL WissKI is an infrastructure developed and maintained in collaboration with the Digital Research Environment (DRE) portfolio of the Cluster of Excellence Africa Multiple. If you have enquiries or comments, please contact us at africamultiple-digital@uni-bayreuth.de