The ICDL Bibliographical Database is a research tool provided by the Gender and Diversity Office (GDO) of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence which the GDO officially launched on 4 November 2021.
The Database is designed for Cluster members and organs in Bayreuth, BIGSAS Junior Fellows and the different Cluster Centres (ACCs) of Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya; Rhodes University in Makhanda, South Africa; Université Ki-Zerbo in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; and the University of Lagos, Nigeria.
To facilitate the realisation of the Cluster’s principles of multiplicity, reflexivity and relationality and its academic and political goals of reconfiguring African Studies, the ICDL Database contains bibliographical resources on Intersectionality, Decolonial and Critical Diversity Literacy approaches.
It also provides links to other academic institutions and critical resources (e.g. African Feminist Forum, the Centre for Intersectional Justice, African American Policy Forum, the Charter for Decolonial Ethics, among others), which mobilise Intersectional, Decolonial and Critical Diversity research concepts.
The ICDL Bibliographical Database is attached to the Cluster‘s Digital Research Environment (DRE). It runs on the WissKI Infrastructure, a free and open digital communication tool for managing research data. The GDO ICDL Team works closely with the DRE Team as regards technical maintenance.
The GDO Team is always happy to answer any queries related to the ICDL Bibliographical Database, receive feedback or suggestions for enriching and optimising the Database.
If Cluster researchers have publications that pertain to Intersectionality, Decoloniality and Critical Diversity Literacy in their research agendas for African Studies, and would like to have these included in the ICDL Bibliographical Database, do please get in touch with the GDO ICDL Database team.
Contact us at – we would be happy to have that conversation with you!